推广 热搜: 互联网  半导体  机器人  工业  MOSFET  霍尼韦尔  施耐德  工业4.0  传感器  LEEMIN滤芯LHO160D005BN/HC 


   日期:2017-11-08     来源:上海胤旭机电设备股份有限公司    作者:上海胤旭机电设备股份有限公司    浏览:33    评论:0    








Rexnord联轴器不需要润滑,易于安装和更换,允许进行高速的往复和旋转运动,因为是高精度级产品,所以可以消除间隙和接口之间的振动。联轴器外部有一层高强度的不锈钢圆盘进行包裹,大大延长了联轴器的使用寿命,符合EN 10204-3.2和ATEX II 2GD c T6标准。

Type 9205-XX-0000

Single flexible element design

Factory assembLED disc pack

base for spacer and long spacer coupling configurations

Element can be used with finished bore or Rexnord Koniclamp® hub configurations

Special materials available (Aluminum 9805-XX-0000*)

Type 9205-XX-0500

Double flexible element design

Factory assembled disc pack

base element for short distance between shaft end connections

Element can be used with finished bore or Rexnord Koniclamp hub configurations

Special materials available (Aluminum 9805-XX-0500*)

Type 9215-XX-3500

Double flexible element design with finished bore hubs

Short distance between shaft end connections

Hubs can be machined for bore and key, or hydraulic bore shaft connections (Type 9215-XX-3500*)

Rexnord Koniclamp keyless shaft connection (Type 9215-XX-4500*)

Application examples: test bench, roller tables

Type 9235-XX-3000

Spacer coupling design with finished bore hubs (Type 9235-XX-3000*)

Spacer coupling design with Rexnord Koniclamp hubs (Type 9235-XX-4000*)

Industry standard spacer lengths to meet ISO and ANSI requirements

Non standard spacer lengths up to 500 millimeters

Hubs can be machined for bore and key, or hydraulic bore shaft connections (Type 9235-XX-3000*)

Rexnord Koniclamp keyless shaft connection (Type 9235-XX-4000*)

Application examples: slurry pumps, large industrial fans

Type 9255-XX-3000

Welded spacer coupling design with finished bore hubs Type 9255-XX-3000*)

Welded spacer coupling design with Rexnord Koniclamp hubs (Type 9255-XX-4000*)

Spacer lengths up to 6.000 millimeters

Hubs can be machined for bore and key, or hydraulic bore shaft connections (Type 9255-XX-3000*)

Rexnord Koniclamp keyless shaft connection (Type 9255-XX-4000*)

Application examples: marine main drives, large vertical pumps

Type 9275-XX-3000

Spacer coupling design with flywheel adapter and finished bore hub (Type 9275-XX-3000*)

Spacer coupling design with flywheel adapter and Rexnord Koniclamp hub (Type 9275-XX-4000*)

Torsionally tuned spacer coupling design with flywheel adapter and Rexnord Koniclamp hub (Type 9275-XX-4000 TT*)

Industry standard spacer lengths to meet ISO and ANSI requirements

Non standard spacer lengths up to 500 millimeters

Flywheel adapter plate which bolts directly to the flywheel of an engine or compressor

Hub can be machined for bore and key, or hydraulic bore shaft connections (Type 9275-XX-3000*)

Rexnord Koniclamp keyless shaft connection (Type 9275-XX-4000*)

Application examples: reciprocating compressors, engine drives



OVAL 流量指示器 PI52H22 (1235.43CC)

PALAZZOLI 电源插头 477305

PALAZZOLI 插头 477425

PALAZZOLI 插头 477405

PALAZZOLI 插头 477427

PALAZZOLI 插头 471486

PALAZZOLI 插头 259538

PALAZZOLI 插头 457538

PALAZZOLI 插头 454338

PARKER 电机 Code:MBA70380251108642 S/N:Z-11020012




了解关于 美国Rexnord联轴器9205-17-6006 更多信息,请关注本网站 : www.jidian.info


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