Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机 坚固的外壳由铝制冷铸件制成。Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机尺寸充足的轴承终身润滑。通过取下偏心配重可以逐步改变离心力。考虑到允许的功耗,Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机振动器可以在安装所有偏心配重的情况下连续运行。
Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机 坚固的外壳由铝制冷铸件制成。Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机尺寸充足的轴承终身润滑。通过取下偏心配重可以逐步改变离心力。考虑到允许的功耗,Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机振动器可以在安装所有偏心配重的情况下连续运行。
Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机 - Würges / Wuerges
Würges电动振动器HVE / VFLE的设计和制造符合ZUI先进的标准,如果按预期使用,可安全运行。
它们符合EC机械指令2006/42 / EC,电磁兼容性指令2014/30 / EU和低压指令2014/35 / EU和第2类,用于防尘区21/22和气区1 /的爆炸危险区域2。
必须注意EN 61241-1-2的规定,例如与温度和灰尘积累有关。
Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机 - Würges / Wuerges
electric vibrators
explosion-proof zone 1/21
electric vibrators explosion-proof
II 2 G Ex e c II T3
II 2 D Ex tD A21 IP65 T120°C
Synchronous speed: 3000 min.-1 |
Model | Centrifugal force | Working moment | Temperature | max. Surfaces temp. |
N | cm kg | class | C° |
HVE 2/2 | 880 | 1,85 | T3 | 120 |
HVE 2/2-2 | 1320 | 2,80 | T3 | 120 |
HVE 2/2-4 | 1760 | 3,70 | T3 | 120 |
HVE 2/2-6 | 2860 | 6,00 | T3 | 120 |
Synchronous speed: 1500 min.-1 |
Model | Centrifugal force | Working moment | Temperature | max. Surfaces temp. |
N | cm kg | class | C° |
HVE 2/4 | 220 | 1,85 | T3 | 120 |
HVE 2/4-2 | 330 | 2,80 | T3 | 120 |
HVE 2/4-4 | 440 | 3,70 | T3 | 120 |
HVE 2/4-6 | 710 | 6,00 | T3 | 120 |
HVE 2/4-9 | 1100 | 9,00 | T3 |
120 |
Motor type Hz V
HVE/VFLE 2/2 50 42 – 550
HVE/VFLE 2/2 60 42 – 550
HVE/VFLE 2/4 50 42 – 400
HVE/VFLE 2/4 60 42 – 440
Motor type f = 50 Hz f = 60 Hz
HVE/VFLE 2/2-6 7500 h 5500 h
HVE/VFLE 2/2-4 30000 h 20000 h
HVE/VFLE 2/2-2 65000 h 65000 h
HVE/VFLE 2/4 150000 h 150000 h
The electric drive of the HVE model range is an asynchronous motor.
The stator in the HVE 2 and VFLE 2 sizes was cast under vacuum thus forming a fixed assembly with the housing. There are unbalanced eccentric discs on the motor shaft ends.
The unbalance is a rotating body whose mass is unequally distributed in its rotational symmetry, and so causes a vibration as it turns.
This vibration can be dosed via weights and counterweights.
Please see the data sheet of the motor for additional technical specifications, or our catalogue.
Würges 电动振动器 HVE2/VFLE2 防爆三相振动电机 - Würges / Wuerges