Items 9354AX-9359AX, 9502AX-9509AX, 9520AX-9525AX
Ex II 2GD c II T85°C (T6)
II:Group ll (surface);
2:Category 2 (for zone 1 Gas or zone 21 Dust);
GD:G=gas; D=Dust;
c:protection type (non electrical equipment);
II:For all gases;
T85°C:Superficial max. temperature of normal working and malfunction in Celsius degrees for dusts;
(T6):Superficial temperature class relevant to a max. of 85°C for gas.
Items 9311AX-9313AX, 9320AX-9323AX, 9336AX-9340AX, 9346AX-9350AX
Ex II 2G c T6
EX:symbol as identified in directive 94/9/EC;
II:Group II (surface);
2:Category 2 (for zone 1 Gas);
c:protection type (non electrical equipment);
T6:Superficial temperature class relevant to a max. of 85°C for gas.
TECNA (英国)公司是一家专门研发制造平衡器的公司 ,TECNA产品包括:TECNA平衡器、TECNA钢丝绳平衡器、TECNA尼龙绳平衡器、TECNA ATEX平衡器、TECNA软管平衡器、TECNA点焊机、TECNA便携式点焊机、TECNA悬浮枪、TECNA摇臂、TECNA线性动作电焊工台、TECNA三相直流电焊机、TECNA中频逆变焊机、TECNA车身维修点焊机。TECNA公司为了保持同行业的竞争人,努力在新产品上面改进。同时为了保障质量,在意大利设定工厂,保证了原材料和工艺的质量。